Sunday, March 19, 2006

Anti-War Protest Flops

You'll have that from time to time. You can try to create some sense of anger, but sometimes it just isn't there no matter how hard you try to represent it.

This article tells of one big flop.

"There's just about more policemen here than people," said the Democratic
candidate for the Utah House of Representatives in District 40, nodding to the
squadron of eight motorcycle officers parked alongside 400 South.

Wow! What an outrage! It's obvious Sheehag and her cronies have had quite an effect.

Just a thought.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger Ol' BC said...

Most everyone wants the war to end. Sheehag's bunch is clearly anti-America. Most civil humans beings wish for the best for the Iraqi people - a chance to govern themselves and not be slaughtered by the tens of thousands as they were under Hussein.


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