Thursday, June 09, 2005

Deep Throat Inconsistencies Exposed

Ann Coulter's column points out some very interesting information concerning Mark Felt's disclosure that he was, in fact, the infamous Deep Throat of the Watergate era. It's amazing how these things get bigger and bigger over time. Take this example -

Woodward claimed he signaled Deep Throat by moving a red flag in a
flowerpot to the back of his balcony and that Deep Throat signaled him by
drawing the hands of a clock in Woodward's New York Times. But in his 1993 book, Deep
Truth: The Lives of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
Adrian Havill did
something it had occurred to no one else to do: He looked at Woodward's old
apartment! Havill found that Woodward had a sixth-floor interior apartment that
could not be seen from the street. Even from the back of the apartment complex,
the balcony was too high for any flowerpot to be seen. So unless there was a
"second flowerpot," visible from a nearby grassy knoll, the red flag in the
flowerpot story is ... well, full of red flags. In addition, newspapers were not
delivered door-to-door in Woodward's apartment building but were left in a stack
in the lobby. Deep Throat could not have known which newspaper Woodward would
pick up.

Amazing isn't it.

Anne has other interesting tidbits as she always does. It certainly does appear, however, that Deep Throat really is a bogus entity. It made a good MSM story though.

Just an observation.


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