Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Won't Have This In The U.S.

...but in the U.K. they're getting serious about terrorism. This article describes the U.K.'s position on acts of hate including, but not limited to

Cannot foment, justify, glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular

You see, in the U.S. we have this freedom of speech thing that may get in the way of such acts leading to deportation or exclusion.


Individuals who do the above by any means or medium are caught by the
legislation, including:
- writing, producing, publishing or distributing
- public speaking including preaching
- running a website
using a position of responsibility such as teacher, community or youth leader

At least there is someone out there who is taking these terrorists semi-seriously.

Just an observation.


At 10:49 PM, Blogger Darth Bacon said...

You're right- you are just rambling.

The root cause is Islam- the jihad began long before there was any wetern imperialism, let alone the WoT.

At 12:45 AM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

So what is the cause, Beef?

You totally missed what Triple was saying.

If you say the cause isn't Islam and people taking it too seriously, what exactly is the cause?


At 10:33 AM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

A good clarification on your position, Beef. I do, however, agree with Triple on this one more than you.

However, your analogy to the KKK is an excellent one, save the idea that poverty causes hate. Most of the founders of the KKK were very wealthy people.

The Klu Klux Klan was and is arguably a terrorist organization.

I agree with you almost completely on this statement, but you'd have to drop the word "arguably" to agree with me completely.

So is the point of your comment that somewhere along the line a defeat on some level is what caused these people to hate freedom and free people?


At 4:17 AM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

The imposition of foreign ideologies, economic systems, and socio-political ideas can create much anger, and eventually hatred.

Not inaccurate at all ... Just look at the way the liberals have reacted to the (however gradual) re-institution of the Constitution in America ...

Being poor carries with it the immediate resentment of the rich.

Umm ... exactly how do you make this claim? I'm poor, and so are many of my friends. NONE of us resent the rich. We all have rich friends, who are just as close to us as their poor counterparts.

When you say this sort of thing, you are simply trumpeting the materialistic view of the typical Marxist, and you put your credibility in the toilet.


At 11:46 PM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

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At 11:57 PM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

My point was clear, and in response to your comment, which was cited.

Imposing the Constitution on people who have happily trounced on it does exactly what you said, and being poor does not make you resentful of wealthy people.

What part of that don't you understand?

If you don't get it, then my winning the argument had nothing to do with my superior debate skills.


At 12:50 AM, Blogger Darth Bacon said...


Ignore this dolt.

He's part of the moral-equivalency crowd, and arguing with them is like arguing with a five-year old- except that the five-year old will eventually learn.


Your hollow contentions about the "root causes" of terrorism, and the fundamental equivalence of religions together signify nothing so much as your typically uninformed liberal's egocentrism- you think all religions are equal in intent and value, so therefore Muslims and everyone else must also.


For a variety of reasons- which in the interest of brevity (and not wasting time schooling yet another ignorant twit) I'll just sketch out, here is why Islam is the problem:

Islam, unlike any other major religion, specifically requires the hatred-- and yes, killing-- of non-believers. Go find whatever passages of the old testament you think are belligerent or bellicose, and I will be wating with my reply that unlike Judeo-Christian culture, Islam has never undergone what we xenophobic rednecks refer to as "The Enlightenment"- indeed, Islam strictly forbids the kind of curiosity and examinations that made the enlightenment possible.

As for terrorism, when you try to invoke the spectre of so-called "Christian" terrorists (assuming you mean Timmy McVeigh or Eric Rudolph), you deliberately leave one fact out- neither were they inspired by the teachings of Christ, nor do they or their ideologies enjoy any measure of support from mainstream Judaism or Christianity. In fact, they are both soundly rebuked and denounced by Jews and Christians.

Similarly disappointing for you, poverty isn't really one of the factors in the rise of Islamic terrorism, either- a little phenomenon called "National Socialism" was one of the first impeti of Islamic terror- the grand mufti of Jerusalem was a close friend and ally of good ol' Adolph Hitler, and the rulers of the time- particularly those of Iraq- modeled their regimes after Hitler's. Michel Aflac, the founder of the Ba'ath movement, was also an open admirer of Hitler. You can frequently hear the "elected" "officials" and "clerics" of "Palestine" urge their followers to "finish Hitler's good work".

Here's a little quote from the nice people at Harvard, who were kind enough to lend their considerable reputation to the above-linked study:

"In the past, we heard people refer to the strong link between terrorism and poverty, but in fact when you look at the data, it's not there. This is true not only for events of international terrorism, as previous studies have shown, but perhaps more surprisingly also for the overall level of terrorism, both of domestic and of foreign origin,"

You seem marginally capable of serious thought- you should drop the silly emotionalism, and do some reading. Try the likes of the Koran, Sunna, and Hadiths.

Then go read Ibn Warraq, Bernard Lewis, Nonie Darwish, Daniel Pipes, Bat Ye'or, Robert Spencer, and any other serious scholar of Islam, Islamic jurisprudence, and Middle Eastern history-- then try and tell me Islam isn't a totalitarian "total prescription for life" to be crushed like any other totalitarian nightmare.

Right now, all you're telling me is that you don't know shit from shine-ola.

At 12:52 AM, Blogger Darth Bacon said...


Here's the link to the Koran verses I wanted to cite.

At 12:54 AM, Blogger Darth Bacon said...

Dammit! Fucking Blogger software!

Here's the link.

At 11:43 AM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

(Cranking up the great QUEEN classic ...)


Sorry for the gloating ... I just couldn't resist.


At 9:41 AM, Blogger Ol' BC said...

That was a good exchange!!


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