Monday, August 27, 2007

DNC Stands Firm - This Time

Usually, the Donks tend to go with political expediency. In its dispute with Florida the DNC is standing firm. Florida wants to move its primary up to make a little more noise in the primary season. The DNC says no.

Party rules say states cannot hold their 2008 primary contests before Feb. 5,
except for Iowa on Jan. 14, Nevada on Jan. 19, New Hampshire on Jan. 22 and
South Carolina on Jan. 29.
The calendar was designed to preserve the
traditional role that Iowa and New Hampshire have played in selecting the
nominee, while adding two states with more racial and geographic diversity to
influential early slots.

There appears to be little argument material remaining. They've considered the race accusation and the geographic slight. What's Florida's point? I guess they could come out with a bias against the Latino population. We'll just have to wait and see. For now the DNC is showing a little backbone.

Just a thought.


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