Mixed Reviews on John Roberts
Ann Coulter is one of Ol' BC's favorite reads, but she isn't real happy these days. She has her opinion on Dubya's nomination to the Supreme Court (as she does on most things).
So all we know about him for sure is that he can't dance and he probably doesn't
know who Jay-Z is. Other than that, he is a blank slate. Tabula rasa. Big zippo.
Nada. Oh, yeah ... We also know he's argued cases before the Supreme Court. Big
deal; so has Larry Flynt's attorney. But unfortunately, other than that that, we
don't know much about John Roberts. Stealth nominees have never turned out to be
a pleasant surprise for conservatives. Never. Not ever.
Well, for the most part that is true. However, I'm not sure that Roberts is that unknown. Larry Kudlow doesn't seem to be to disappointed with the selection.
This is a far cry from the Supreme Court of the past 70 years. As Mark Levin
writes in his bestselling book Men in Black, the Court has so expanded the
commerce clause that it has helped create a huge regulatory state where activist
judges have seized private property, taken over school systems and prisons,
interceded in private-sector hiring and firing practices, ordered farm quotas
and property-tax increases, and expelled God, prayer, and the Ten Commandments
from the public square. Levin calls this “socialism from the bench.” However,
rather than the regulatory state, Roberts is likely to choose private property
and the economic-freedom right of individuals.
If Roberts can influence the court to bring back some level of sanity to Commerce Clause interpretation, his appointment to the Court will be a smashing success. Roe v Wade - not that big a deal. It was a poor decision and may be overturned some day. The abortion issue will then revert to the individual states where the constitution says the authority belongs in the first place.
Kudlow also states:
Let it also be said that President Bush was true to his word. He nominated a
conservative based solely on the judicial merits, a church-going Catholic father
of two children who is a truly distinguished lawyer and jurist.
As a result,
Judge Roberts could be the first modern economic conservative to ascend to the
Court. Roberts of course knows full well that judicial change occurs slowly at
the margin. But as someone who seems to believe in the importance of market
forces that allow the entrepreneurial creative juices to flow, he is likely to
make a huge difference.
Let us hope, one and all, that Kudlow is correct in his assessment. If Ms. Coulter is correct, as she so often is, we're all in deep sh*t.
Just an observation.
I'm with ya Ol' BC ...
Coulter is right TOO OFTEN, but I hope she is wrong on this one. The Donks aren't going to try the filibuster ... but does that mean they're just trying to salvage some credibility?
If nothing else, this is all incredibly interesting ...
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