Thursday, September 13, 2007

Federal Deficit Falling

There has to be something wrong here. Bush causes everything to go wrong and the deficit could be as much as thirty-five percent less this year, IN SPITE OF RECORD SPENDING.
This says that's the case.

The Congressional
Budget Office
is forecasting that when this budget year wraps up on Sept.
, the deficit will total $158 billion, down by 36.2 percent from last
year's $248.2 billion deficit.

It's amazing how tax cuts result in huge increases to the treasury and the Donks still want to raise taxes all the time. Imagine what it would be like if we could get a meaningful tax cut or a fair tax where the illegal income is taxed as well. Then imagine if the government actually quit spending money like it comes out of a fire hose. Then imagine if the federal government returned to only the duties authorized in the Constitution. Then imagine how little in taxes would be necessary to support such a government. But couldn't be a Democrat....or a Republican for that matter.

Just a thought.


At 8:39 PM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

Then imagine if the federal government returned to only the duties authorized in the Constitution.

If only ...


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

While I'd most likely support a "fair-tax" of some sort, it'll never happen.


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