Friday, January 13, 2006

Maryland's Bad Law Could Cost Business

This article tells the story. Now, it seems, Maryland is requiring larger businesses to spend 8 percent of their payroll on employee health care. One can't help but wonder whether there will be a wage freeze in Maryland or companies looking to move from Maryland or both. It seems logical that very few if any companies would have any interest in opening in or relocating to Maryland. If the state government will intervene to this magnitude, it's no telling what the future will hold. This is a dangerous beginning.

Congratulations to the governor who had the good sense to veto the bill. Shame on the Donk legislature that overrode the veto. What effect will this have on companies that hire part time, temporary or seasonal help? Many of those don't work enough hours to qualify for benefits but do impact the company payroll. What about the companies that hire a lot of high school and college students in the summer? Are the students going to have a tough time in Maryland?

Just a thought.


At 10:18 PM, Blogger Col. Hogan said...

Looks like Maryland has its own little "War On Productivity." It's raging unrestrained here in the Stalag. They haven't tried this one yet, though there has been talk....

At 2:26 PM, Blogger RightWingRocker said...

Just another reason I haven't moved there.



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