As Europe continues to recognize socialism's failure and continues to runs from it, Americans harp about Obama's leap towards socialism with the bank bailout, auto bailout, etc. Given the relative small ownership to date of the means of production by the government as my buddy Mark pointed out in previous comments, it points out that Obama leans towards classical fascism with a small dose of socialism thrown in to stay tight with Hugo and Fidel. As Ol' BC sees it, the means of production in this country are still predominantly privately owned. The government is now, under Obama, dictating the direction, the products, etc to be produced by them in larger and larger measures. Kind of resembles Hilter and Mussolini doesn't it?
Granted, the steps have been smallish in the grand scheme of things. Some of these steps in the "wrong direction" may have actually had good intentions and short term success (the jury is still out on this one). But, in the long run this will probably be looked upon as the dark days of the United States, much as the Jimmy Carter era is today. The big difference now is that Obama has a cheering section in the main stream media and if a source tries to give both sides they are labeled right wing zealots and other colorful monikers (not that the labeling is one sided by any means, this one just gets significantly more air time.) Just wait until the socialized medicine comes into play. The door ajar may be swung a little farther open.
Just a thought.