A Little History. . .
. . .about how this crisis in the mortgage and financial markets came about. The source might annoy some, but the information is historically correct. Check it out.
Just an observation.
- Random thoughts and observations
. . .about how this crisis in the mortgage and financial markets came about. The source might annoy some, but the information is historically correct. Check it out.
I'm sure there will be a deal struck and more than likely, no matter how noble the intentions of those who vote for it, it will suck in the long run. This piece gives a somewhat slanted view. But it includes this little tidbit. . .
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., chairman of the Financial Services Committee and a
leading negotiator in crafting the compromise bill, blamed breakaway Republicans
for killing the plan.
Here's some video to confirm it. Pay close attention to Barney Frank. He was nuts back then as well. This was September of 2003. After years of warnings from the Bush administration, when all is reported this entire crisis will be Bush's fault. Why wouldn't it be. . . everything else is. The Donks didn't like the message so they ignored it.
It took a little longer than expected, but here they come. The New York Times less than objective reporting is coming out against Sarah Palin. What took so long? Maybe Johnny Mac caught them a little with their pants down. Take a look.
But an examination of her swift rise and record as mayor of Wasilla and then
governor finds that her visceral style and penchant for attacking critics — she
sometimes calls local opponents “haters” — contrasts with her carefully crafted
public image.
Well, The Baron said months ago that if McCain had any chance of winning the election he had to pick Sarah Palin as his running mate. If so, he said, McCain could win forty (40) states. Last election, The Baron called forty-nine (49) states correctly with his only miss being Wisconsin. There turned out to be enough fraud up there to keep him from a perfect state by state prediction. I thought maybe his conservative bent was running rampant. Then, I did a little research into Palin and came to agree. Ol' BC is giddy about her selection.