Bush Deficits. . .
. . . look pretty paltry after Obama's first year deficit. Well, it's only $1.42 TRILLION. Worst since WWII as a percentage of GDP.
Ol' BC tends to think we ain't seen nothin' yet.
Just a thought.
- Random thoughts and observations
. . . look pretty paltry after Obama's first year deficit. Well, it's only $1.42 TRILLION. Worst since WWII as a percentage of GDP.
A marine has a son. He too is a marine. The proud. The few. But now the son is dead. The dad, still a marine, had a problem with the way the Obama administration has chosen to proceed with the war in Afghanistan before it cost him his son.
Bernard's criticism is aimed at new rules of engagement imposed by Gen. Stanley
McChrystal, the senior American commander in Afghanistan, five weeks before
Joshua Bernard was killed. They limit the use of airstrikes and require troops
to break off combat when civilians are present, even if it means letting the
enemy escape. They also call for greater cooperation with the Afghan National
Under those rules, John Bernard said, Marines and soldiers are being
denied artillery and air support for fear of killing civilians, and the Taliban
is using that to its tactical advantage. In a letter to his congressman and
Maine's U.S. senators, Bernard condemned "the insanity of the current situation
and the suicidal position this administration has placed these warriors in."
As Ol' BC sits and ponders the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize and realizes that the Nobel committee has just defined itself as a political entity, along comes this little nugget.
If the snow sticks, it would be the earliest recorded measurable snowfall in
Chicago. The record was set just three years ago when it snowed on Oct. 12.
That's what Illinois Senator Rowland Burris is saying. Everything that doesn't go Obama's way is Bush's fault. A losing presentation for the 2016 Olympics seems to be no exception. I guess that's one way to direct attention away from Obama's failures. This administration falls back on that trite summation every time something goes awry.