By paint. Yes paint. Some people are going spastic over this possibility. Ol' BC, on the other hand, thinks it may have wonderful benefits.
A Rochester, N.Y., company has developed paint that can switch between blocking
cell phone signals and allowing them through.
"You could use this in a
concert hall, allowing cell phones to work before the concert and during breaks,
but shutting them down during the performance," said Michael Riedlinger,
president of NaturalNano.
Now that's what I'm talking about! Awesome potential. The article in its entirety is
here. Of course there are those who panic at the thought.
"We oppose any kind of blocking technology," said Joe Farren, spokesman for The
Wireless Association, the leading cell phone trade group. "What about the young
parents whose baby-sitter is trying to call them, or the brain surgeon who needs
notification of emergency surgery? These calls need to get through."
Ol' BC has an idea that may solve this quandary before the government gets involved as so many locals have concerning smoking in restaurants and other places. Pagers. They have been around for years and years and they're cheap. So, if you are going to be going to a facility (a facility mind you, not a government intrusion) that blocks cell phone transmissions and receptions
from time to time, spend ten bucks and get a pager.
Just a thought.