Alcohol And The Healthy Heart - It's Not Just Wine Anymore
Martini sippers rejoice!! It's coming out that a cocktail or beer has heart healthy benefits according to a Harvard School of Public Health doctor in this MSNBC article.
As healthful as components of red wine may be, the primary benefit must
come from ethanol itself. In short, it's the alcohol, stupid. But don't go
overboard. Doctors say that protection comes only with light to moderate
intake—defined as two drinks a day for men or a miserly one a day for women. As
Willett points out, "Saving it all up for Saturday night doesn't do the
It seems that alcohol has a propensity for increasing HDL's, the "good" cholesterol which tends to reduce plaque in the arteries. The key continues to be moderation. Here's to good health.
Every good thing has a down side. Here it is the increased risk of tumors. I may risk a little tumor to protect myself from having the big one. Here's to good health. (That's two. I'm done.)
Just a thought.