As Ol' BC listened to Dubya's nationally televised press conference tonight, the O word was finally mentioned. That word would be OWNERSHIP as it applied to personal social security accounts. The President finally spoke of the hardship on a family when one dies. Presently, they get virtually nothing from social security. In a two worker family, now the surviving spouse can choose to draw on the higher benefit of his or her own or the deceased. All the money paid into social security system by the other party goes to the government. If there were personal accounts, the money paid in would stay with the family in their time of need. I was also heartened to the the prez say that one's money need not be invested in the stock market, but instead into safer investments such as bonds or treasury bills.
Ol' BC is still pretty certain that the Democrats will oppose nearly anything Dubya proposes. It has been over four years now and the ideas of the minority party still seem to be locked away in a secret hiding place. All they can do is criticize anything Dubya proposes or does.
Just an observation.